Monday, February 23, 2009

Look who's almost 2

The other weekend my sister in law came over and I took pictures of her daughter Symiah and Ashlyn because we are doing a combined birthday party. They are only a month apart so it is really fun to have their birthday together. Here are some of the cute pics we got. It was hard because they were running all over the place. I think I might want to start taking them professionally but as you can see I need some practice.


TIA EVANS said...

OMG has it really been that long. Man how they grow up so fast

McKensi and Justin said...

so so so so so so cute. p.s...where did that chain thing go that was on your blog? I wanted you to make me something....

Graham said...

Nobody left any comments to the Chain O' Love. Kind of disappointing. I think I will repost it and see what happens this time.